Pirate Theme
Field Day
10 Pirate theme field Day Games
Cannon ball TOss
Instructions :
Gather your pirates in two lines.
Pair them up and have them stand face-to-face with their partners.
Give a black water balloon to each set of pirates.
Players stand across from each other and toss the balloon back and forth until one of them drops it or breaks it
Pairs are allowed 3 balloons for the game
Modifications(3-5) :
Students take a step back after each toss.
Students stand on one foot
Students try and play with their eyes closed.
Pirate's Booty
Instructions :
Divide pirates into 5 teams and line up at a cone
Set up designated targets (buckets, hoops, poly spots)
Pirates use foam balls or beanbags (cannonballs) to toss and try to land on the target
Hoops = 1 point
buckets = 2 points
poly spots = 3 points
If a pirate makes the "cannon" in the target they go and grab the object and bring it back to their team
Continue until all targets are gone and teams add up points
The pirates with the most points win the game.
Modifications :
(3-5) Place cones further out away from targets
(3-5) Stand on one foot
(3-5) Eyes closed
(k-2) Use the cue "Tik tok" + step with opposite foot
Walk the Plank
Instructions :
Set up a balance beam or narrow plank on the ground.
Instruct Students to take turns walking across the plank without falling off.
If a pirate does fall off the plank he/she has to do one of the following before going back in line :
5 jumping jacks
5 star jumps
5 high knees
Encourage good balance and coordination as they navigate the plank.
Modifications (3-5) :
Add pirate-themed obstacles
Challenge : side to side, backward, eyes closed, etc..
Pirate Parachute
Instructions :
Gather pirates around the parachute
Students practice the cues "small waves" "big waves" and "Freeze"
Students practice "sky high" (everyone lifts parachute over their head) and "down Low" (parachute on the ground)
Place foam balls (cannonballs) on top of the parachute.
To "Pop" cannonballs instruct students to do "Sky high" and then shake/down as hard as they can
Pick # of pirates to be on the outside of the parachute. They will try to keep cannonballs inside the ship while others try to shake them out.
Say go and play for 2 minutes.
Switch outside pirates
Modifications (k-2) :
Use smaller parachutes & smaller teams
Peg Leg Race
Instructions :
Pirates line up at the start
Pirates will race with a peg leg (a wooden or foam attachment on one leg) and cannot bend their knee with that leg.
Students can race in pairs, groups of 3-5, and finally the whole class
The first pirate to reach the finish line wins the race.
Modifications (k-2) :
Shorter race
Hop, skip, or jump to the finish line
Hook Toss
Instructions :
Pirates get into 5 teams and line up.
Pirates take turns throwing their hooks to try and catch onto the targets(cones/poles/flags).
Each team has its own color hoops they will try to "hook" onto the targets
On "GO!" Each team tries to hook as many targets as they can in 2-3 minutes before the teacher says "stop"
The team that has the most targets hooked gets a point
Start the game again until the time runs out
The team with the most points wins.
Modifications :
(k-2) Move targets closer to the teams
Use smaller/tiny hoops
(3-5) Further target = more points
Sword Tag
Instructions :
Pick 3 Pirates and hand them swords(noodles)
On "GO" all sailors try to run away from the pirates and not get tagged
Do not tag in the head/face!!!!! Soft tag only!!!
If a sailor gets tagged then they have to stand on one leg
The only way to get back into the game is if another sailor runs around them 3 times.
Play for 3 minutes and then switch pirates (:
Modifications (3-5) :
Add more pirates
Make the playing field larger
Pirate Treasure Hunt
Instructions :
Divide the players into 7 Teams.
Provide each pirate crew with a sheet that contains clues leading to hidden treasures.
Each team starts at a different number and once they find the treasure they move on to the next.
The goal is to solve all of the clues and find hidden treasures
The first team to successfully find all the treasures and bring them back wins the game.
Modifications (k-2) :
Instead of clues use a map and add a Red "x"
Instead of clues do a scavenger hunt inside a designated area (ie. playground) When students find a treasure they just check it off and leave it where they found it.
Have each team with an adult/parent to help them
Bomb the Pirate Ship
Instructions :
Pirates are divided into two different pirate crews
Each pirate crew has 4 vessels on their ship that they must protect to not sink
The vessels(pins) can be defended but students should not step inside the hoop they are in
All pirates must use cannon balls(dodge balls) to try and knock down/destroy the other crews' vessels
When a cannonball destroys a vessel(pin) they cannot put it back up to save it
The first pirate crew to bomb all of the treasure gets a point
Repeat as many times as you can during the time at this station
The crew with the most points at the end wins!
Modifications (3-5) :
Instead of pins have students build hula hoop huts
Keep the game going by letting students rebuild hula huts when they go down
Pirate Ship Soakers
Instructions :
Pirates are divided into 3-5 teams
Each pirate crew lines up at a "pirate ship" (large buckets, inflatable pools, or kiddie pools filled with water).
Each pirate crew will have a large sponge or water-soaking device that they will use to fill up their bucket.
On "GO", pirates fill the sponges with water and run with them over their head to the buckets.
They squeeze the water out into their bucket and run back to tag the next pirate.
The pirate crew that fills their bucket with the most water wins the game.
Play for rounds of 4 minutes.
Field day Map Idea
Create a Pirate Treasure map with all of your stations numbered and include pictures that visibly show each stations location. Ensure easy navigation by including street names, landmarks (like the school), and clear indications of each station's location. Let the adventure begin as everyone embarks on a thrilling journey!